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What is Humanitarianism in War?
Robert Bruce Adolph
Stepping Back For Some Analysis
Kurt Mello
The Grave Dangers of Mines: The Azerbaijan-Armenian War
Hundreds of Nuclear Maintainers Fired: Slow-Motion Disaster Unfolds
Naval Power, Diplomacy, and Their Continued Geostrategic Importance
Miles Garrett
Should America Once Again Embrace Ruthlessness in War?
Strategic and Operational Polymorphism in War
Can we learn from our reflection in the Amerindian Genocide?
About Hyperstition
Should the UN Security Council be Shuttered as an Obstacle to Peace?
Is it Time to End the American Global War on Terror?
The Great Pacific MindWar
Feds pull 180 on encryption policy
Russian Doomsday General Killed by Exploding Spy Scooter in Moscow
The Unmitigated Horror of Antichiral Bio-Weapons
The proliferation of 3D Printed Explosive Devices
Ukrainian commandos assassinate Russian scientist in Moscow
Russian Drone Doctrine Leaked Online
MKULTRA Was More Than Just Brain Research
Korean President Declares Martial Law, Parliament Dismisses It
CIA Failures in China From 1951 to 1960 and how to do it better
Shrinking Battle-Spaces & the Renaissance of Shock
Submission Guidelines for Geostrategy Magazine
Triple Hexagon Cybernetic Industries